Dr. Yeram Cheong (Calvin J. Li Postdoc in AAST) and Professor Cixin Wang (AAST Affiliate Faculty) Publish Journal Articles on Student Mental Health During COVID-19

AAST Calvin J. Li Postdoc, Dr. Yeram Cheong, and AAST Affiliate Faculty, Dr. Cixin Wang, recently published two journal articles on student mental health during COVID-19.

The first paper (N = 692) highlights the importance of promoting family functioning and identifies protective parenting practices in Chinese families during COVID-19. It points that when parents experience disruptions in their work-life balance, they are more likely to experience mental health difficulties and engage in more coercive parenting practices (and less involved with their child), which then is associated with youth's mental health and academic engagement. When parents do engage in more autonomous-granting practices and are more involved in child's learning, youth were likely to report not only fewer mental health difficulties but also more covitality and academic engagement.

The second paper (N = 3662) emphasizes ways that schools can support students in the context of peer victimization upon school reopening during COVID-19 in China and identifies fostering personal resilience and positive teacher-student relationship (especially for secondary school girls) as buffers from the negative impact of peer victimization on youth's mental health, especially among elementary school students (who reported higher rates of peer victimizations).

The two articles can be found in the Journal of Family Psychology and School Psychology, respectively. PDF copies of the articles are linked to the left.
